Google Sues Sonos over Speaker and Voice Control Technology. Read Full Story.

Google strikes back at Sonos with a pair of lawsuits. 

Google alleged that Sonos is infringing on a number of its patents around smart speakers and voice control technology.

It’s the latest battle over wireless speakers that has so far involved multiple lawsuits from Sonos.

The legal battle started back in 2020 when Sonos first sued Google over multiroom speaker technology.

Google and Sonos had partnered years earlier to make Google services work on Sonos speakers.

Sonos had earlier claimed that Google stole its speaker tech to build the Google Home and other devices.

Google countersued Sonos months later, claiming Sonos infringed on a number of its patents, as well.

Afterwards Sonos sued Google again.

Finally, in January the US International Trade Commission ruled in Sonos’ favor, finding Google in violation of Sonos’ patents.