How to Change Scenery in Clash of Clans? Read Full Story.

The steps are very easy. Anyone can change the COC Scenery.

Select the Town Hall Building.

Choose the 3rd Option namely “Change Scenery”.

A list of unlocked and available sceneries will appear in a tab.

Scroll the Home Village Scenery by swiping the Scenery Image from right to left.

Select any 1 scenery from the list. The Active Scenery will get highlighted in Bold.

Once you have scrolled and reached which scenery you want to activate.

Just tap the Select Option to activate the scenery of your choice.

You will also see a couple of more buttons next to the Select Button.

They are Scenery Randomizer and View Scenery Buttons.

If you want to randomize the scenery every time the game loads, you can simply tap the Scenery Randomizer,

once done this button will appear in bright as compared to dark before activating the randomizer.

The 3rd button that is the View Scenery button will enable you to get a glimpse of how the scenery will look like on your active account.


10th Anniversary Scenery